Best Android apps for:
Czytania na kazdy dzien

Welcome to our list of the best Android apps for reading every day! Reading is an important part of our daily lives, and we have compiled a list of the top Android apps to help make reading a regular part of your day. Whether you're looking for a new book or wanting to keep up with your current reading list, these apps will have you covered. From digital libraries to audio books, these apps make it easy to access your favorite reads. So take a look at our list and find an app perfect for you! ...

Witaj!Oddajemy w Twoje ręce bezpłatną aplikację z tekstem Pisma Świętego Biblii Tysiąclecia. Umożliwia ona czytanie Pisma Świętego w dowolny sposób - ciągły lub wybranymi fragmentami, w czym dodatkowo pomaga opcja dodawania do...

Read your daily verse! • Daily Verse from the Bible. • Reading aloud through speech synthesis. • Works offline (without internet connection). • You can share via SMS, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, etc.. • Widget (with adjustable...

This application provides the text from the page i.e. text of the Gospel of the day according to the liturgical calendars fixed by the Roman Catholic Church. The lecture is cached so you can read it offline. You can also share it with...

Get an inspiring verse from the Holy Bible every day. Share and save your favorites.

The most comprehensive Catholic App . Available in English, Español, Português, Française, Deutsch, Nederlands, Slovenský, Italiano, Bahasa, Polski, Slovenski, Hrvatski, Việt, 简体, 繁體 and Românesc. Daily Mass Readings, Order of Mass,... is the mobile version of the serviceSince 2003, the mission of is to send the Gospel by internet to all parts of the world, for helping the development of humankind:Access servicesContemplating...

iBreviary TS Pro Terra Sancta is the application that brings the traditional Catholic prayer of the Breviary and all the texts of the Liturgy on your Android phones and tablet. iBreviary Pro Terra Sancta wants to contribute, through a partnership...

Aplikacja „Lectio Divina” to pomoc w takim czytaniu Słowa Bożego, aby to Słowo przemieniało nasze myślenie i abyśmy w Jego świetle dokonywali dobrych wyborów i podejmowali dobre decyzje. Aplikacja jest elektroniczną...

Modlitwa łączy w sobie różne cechy wezwania: prośbę, podziękowanie, hołd itd. Nie trzeba wielu słów aby Mi się przypodobać - wystarczy, że Mnie bardzo kochasz. Mów do Mnie, jak gdybyś rozmawiał ze swoim przyjacielem.Modlitwy...

Modlitewnik to aplikacja, w której znajdziesz podstawowe modlitwy i litanie. Dzięki niej każda chwila będzie dobra, na krótką modlitwę!W aktualnej wersji: * Rozważania różańcowe (dzięki uprzejmości sióstr Loretanek) *...

Read and Study the official Bible translation for Catholics.The Douay Rheims is a complete version of the Holy Bible recognized by the Catholic Church. It's a translation from the Latin Vulgate into English made by members of the Catholic...

App: covers key topics connected with St. Faustina, devotion to the Divine Mercy in the forms handed on to her by Jesus, daily thoughts from her “Diary,” and information about the capital of devotion to Divine Mercy: Shrine in...

Brewiarz - modlitwa codzienna Ludu Bożego po polsku w Twoim telefonie.Wierni, którzy celebrują liturgię Godzin, jednoczą się z Chrystusem, naszym Najwyższym Kapłanem, przez modlitwę psalmów, rozważanie...

Lekcjonarz. Słowo Boże na dziś to zbiór czytań i Ewangelii używanych w całym roku liturgicznym.Dzięki tej niezwykle prostej aplikacji: - zyskasz stały kontakt ze Słowem Bożym - pogłębisz życie duchowe - lepiej...

Modlitwa w drodze to codzienne, oparte na Ewangelii, kilkunastominutowe rozważania modlitewne, w formie dźwiękowej i tekstowej. Proponowana modlitwa zakorzeniona jest w duchowości ignacjańskiej. Dzięki niej odkryjesz, jak...

SMS z Nieba to inicjatywa ewangelizacyjna, która funkcjonuje od 01.11.2006 roku, kiedy to przez pierwszą z koordynatorek projektu Joannę Mrozik z Białej Podlaskiej, na telefony komórkowe zostały wysłane pierwsze smsy ze...

The JP2 app brings you selected quotations from Pope John Paul II. This application was created for the occasion of the canonization of Pope John Paul II. The app displays a daily "Quote of the Day" – a source of daily inspiration. It...

Zadaniem tej prostej aplikacji jest wyświetlanie wybranej myśli z Dzienniczka św. Siostry Faustyny Kowalskiej na każdy dzień. Użytkownik o godzinie 15:00 otrzymuje powiadomienie o dostępnym cytacie w postaci...

Znakomite Cytaty (Brilliant Quotes PL) to najbardziej zaawansowana a zarazem elegancka i przyjazna dla użytkowania aplikacją z cytatami na rynku. Została niedawno udoskonalona w nowoczesny interfejs bazując...

Do you speak Polish? Would you like to read the Bible in your own language? This application can help you! It contains the Holy Bible in Polish, free on your phone! This Bible is a translation of the King James Bible into Polish, the official...

Aplikacja losuje jeden z adresów Pisma Świętego - wybrany jest początek akapitu - podtytułAdresy i podtytuły zostały użyte z Biblii Tysiąclecia IV wydanie wydawnictwa PallotinumFunkcja "czytaj on-line" przekierowuje...

'Z Biblią na co dzień' to wersety biblijne na każdy dzień (z Biblii Warszawskiej).'Z Biblią na co dzień' stworzone jest na podstawie tekstów biblijnych...

Short Bible readings read each midday at community prayer in Taizé. Also includes a short daily meditation by brother Roger (unconnected with the Bible text). The application works offline: texts updates are downloaded from the Internet. Bible...

"Czytania Liturgiczne z Biblii" pobiera z internetu czytania z mszy z danego dnia.Program jest przydatny dla osób które nie mogą być w dzień powszedni na mszy a chcą być na...

Read the Bible in one year.Only in Polish. English version is available here:"Bible Reading Calendar"

In the application you will find shared biblical readings for particular days of the liturgical year, which were varied with video materials allowing you to listen to them comfortably. Readings are accompanied by a daily video comment / homily and...

Simplified version application Scriptures PL. ------- Hello! We put in your hands free application with the text of Scripture Millennium Bible. It allows reading of Scripture in any way - continuously or selected portions, in which further helps...

The "Every Day" was created for people who would like to have quick and easy access to daily meditation Bible. Interesting thoughts Dennis Kinlawa, often confronting the reader with reality and provoking thoughts can be a great escape from...

The application "OurModlitwa" aims to connect people who need prayer support with those who want to respond to this need. Do you want someone to pray in your case? Create your own intention and let others join her. Or maybe you want to...

The "five minutes of God" is an electronic form of the prayer book, published since the beginning of 2017. As a free supplement to the weekly "Catholic Guide". Prayer Book has been prepared in order to God in our lives had its...

If you are a person who likes to start the day with reflection or are looking for a daily dose of inspiration, this application is the most for you. "Quote for Today" is a collection of the best, thought-provoking sentences of various...

We give into your hands the Scriptures application of the latest translation of Scripture with commentary prepared by the team of scholars from the Polish initiative of the Society of St. Paul. Application of Scripture - the first application of the...

Wishing you a good morning have a beautiful day for everyone in everyday. We provided more beautiful Polish good morning images, beautiful Polish good day images, for you, family, friends and love. You can send your favourite Polish good morning...

"Pray as you can and do not try to pray as we can not. The less you pray, the worse it goes »  - a. John Chapman OSB- Welcome to your application Magnificat! Everywhere you go and at any time, thanks to the application Magnificat gain...

The "Gospel of PL-C" is dedicated to the Android platform. It has been used in the official translation of the Holy Gospel published by the Warsaw Metropolitan Orthodox (second, revised edition, Warsaw 2015). The application allows reading...

The application contains a timetable to read the entire Bible in 90 days and allows you to follow the progress of reading. It also contains the entire text of the Holy Bible, divided into fragments, in the translation of the Edition of St....

This daily devotional book is aimed at all those who are ready, in this busy time, to listen to God for a moment when He speaks to us through His Word, the Bible. Being a daily devotional book, it helps to contribute to making these moments happen...

You are bored? You are looking for interesting books? Inspirational quotes? Or maybe you want to shine in the company? With this application you will be able to view the quotes of 600 authors from more than 1,300 books. Every day another quote of...

Welcome! Here is a free app that has the prayer Novena through the Intercession of Saint Stanislaus Papczynski (1631-1701), Founder of the Congregation of Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary. Just write your...

Mass online application and online service allows thousands of people to watch Masses and devotions on their computer screens or mobile devices. The website has been prepared for the sick and for traveling to places where it is...

Audio Bible - Old and New Testament is the largest radio play in Europe. Radio play in which the actors play different roles, all immersed in the modern soundtrack. We created a "film without image" - let your imagination will show you...

Apklikacja "Praise the Lord" is a version of a book release eloktroniczną "Praise the Lord - songbook and prayer for the believers of the Roman Catholic Church in the Diocese of Ostrava-Opava at the Cieszyn Silesia" on the basis...

The Hours of the Passion were written by Luisa Piccarreta who is in the process of canonization, were collected by Saint Anibal Maria di Francia who then published them. This exercise follows hour by hour as Luisa saw them in her multiple...

READ, THINK ABOUT & SHARE life-changing words from the Bible! The LCWords app will deliver a Bible verse to you every day. Read, be inspired, and pass on the inspiration to others on Facebook, Twitter via text message or email. KEY...

We often speak of our life as a road. Moving around it, we need reference points, direction indicators and warning signs. Every day, the Bible is a source from which we can draw the right inspirations for our everyday lives and help us make our...

So that pretty words don't become extinct like mammoths, we've prepared a free and ad-free application that lets you learn interesting words and their playful definitions every day. The application is maintained in the convention of the...

, Get some daily inspiration through citations of great people! The database of quotes is still growing! Lack of reproducibility! - every time you restart the application will be generated new citations Inspire your friends! - One-button upload...

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